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Q: What is the relationship between the geography of Mesopotamia and the civilization that developed there?
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1.How did the geography of Mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization there?

How did the geography of mesopotamia make this a likely area for the rise of civilization?

Mesopotamia rises because of its writing and the people of Sumer developed a system of writing.

How did the geography of Mesopotamia contributed to the development of civilization?

Mesopotamia was in an area that was harsh and unpredictable. There was floods

How did the geography of Mesopotamia contribute the development of early civilization there?

Mesopotamia was in an area that was harsh and unpredictable. There was floods

How did geography of mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization there?

Mesopotamia was in an area that was harsh and unpredictable. There was floods

How did the geography of Mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization?

Mesopotamia was in an area that was harsh and unpredictable. There was floods

What factors led to the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia?

favorable geography

What about the physical geography of mesopotamia help many great civilization to develop their?


How did the geography of Mesopotamia help civilization develop there?

Mesopotamia had big rivers and the land was between them. With water you could make a great empire.

How did the geography of Mesopotamia help civilization develop?

Mesopotamia had big rivers and the land was between them. With water you could make a great empire.

How did Mesopotamia's geography help civilization to develop in area?

The fertile soil allowed agricultural civilizations to develop.

How did Mesopotamia's geography influence the societies that developed the region?

the fertile soil allowed agricultural civilizations to develop