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Some Indian groups attacked the settlers right away but some were very peaceful.

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12y ago

the Middle Colonies and William Penn believed that everyone should be treated equally including Native Americans.

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Q: What is the relationship between early European settlers and Native Americans?
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What most likely caused conflict between Native Americans and European Settlers?

The Native Americans had land. The European Settlers wanted it. That is not just the "most likely" cause, that is the cause.

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Americans and English? You mean English settlers and Native Americans?

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The Indians felt that they were superior to the European Settlers and would only he if paid.

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The relationship was at first peaceful, as the Native Americans provided the use of land to the settlers. The settlers thought that they owned the land and this began confrontations between the Native Americans and the settlers.

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It really didn't change.

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they moved to different places at the same time with conflict

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Neither the British or the Americans originally wanted support from the American Indians, ad it was unclear who the Native Americans would support. Two-thirds of the Iroquois tribes fought with the English against the colonists.

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They never "came to Latin America": they were the result of interracial marriages between European settlers and Native Americans.

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settlers attempted to take over the native Americans territory

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Approximately 24% of African-Americans have European ancestry, according to genetic studies. This ancestry is a result of historical intermixing between African slaves and European settlers in the United States.