

What is the reformed Bible?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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15y ago

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The Reformed Bible is the same as the Protestant Bible of today, with the 66 books of the Old Testament (39) and New Testament (27). This was affirmed by The Westminster Standards.(1643-1649) All other books, including the Apocrypha, are considered not to be of divine inspiration. There are also Bibles that are currently published such as, "The Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible." This is simply a current popular translation (NIV-NKJV) that has study notes interpreted in light of the doctrines of the Reformation. Reformed Theology and Calvinism, while not the same on all points, generally agree on the basic tenants of faith and are often used interchangeably.

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Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.Julius Caesar was the one who reformed the calendar into 365.25 days.

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After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.After getting power, Julius Caesar reformed the currency, reformed the calendar, raised the number of senators to a bloated 900, enlarged the seating capacity of the Circus Maximus and raised the pay of the army. There is more, but those are the major changes.

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