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The purpose of any myth is to explain the unknown. Ancient peoples did not have the instruments or knowledge to come up with scientifically acurate theories such as the Big Bang Theory to describe the creation of the world. Therefore they came up with creation myths to explain how everything was made. Most religions die out as their theories become proven false, but some religions (namely modern ones) have such strong believers that they turn down education of what can be proven possible or just proven in favor of hearing that an almighty supreme being said, "Let there be light" and there was light. Some people feel so strongly about their religion that they say that "the government" is part of a conspiracy which makes people believe in space when there really are just little dots in the sky behind which lives a god.

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Q: What is the purpose of creation myths?
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Why do some cultures and religions have creation myths?

Creation myths provide a way for cultures and religions to explain the origins of the world and humanity, as well as to establish a sense of identity and purpose. These myths often contain symbolic or metaphorical elements that convey important values, beliefs, and cultural knowledge passed down through generations.

What is the purpose for the creation of myths?

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