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Q: What is the population in Vietnam of French speaking people?
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Are there more french or Spanish speaking people in Hollywood?

There is a larger population of Spanish-speaking people in Hollywood compared to French-speaking people. This is primarily due to the large Spanish-speaking population in Los Angeles and the influence of Latin American culture in the entertainment industry.

What is the world's population of all french speaking people?

2 billion

How many french people live in Alaska?

French-speaking Alaskans number around 30,000 (4.2 % of the population), and around 125,000 people in Alaska (18%of the population), are from French descent.

Do people in prince edward island speak french?

French is not the main language spoken in Prince Edward Island. However, there is a small French-speaking Acadian population on the island. The majority of the population speaks English.

How many people speak french in Vietnam?

It is estimated that around 600,000 people in Vietnam speak French, mainly in urban areas and among the older generations. French was introduced to Vietnam during the colonial period and has had a lasting influence on the country's culture and education system.

Are there more french or English speaking people in Canada?

There are more English-speaking people in Canada than French-speaking people. English is the most widely spoken language in Canada, with approximately two-thirds of the population speaking English as their first language. French is spoken mainly in the province of Quebec, where it is the official language.

French speaking people are called?

French speaking people are known as francophones.

What is an Asian French speaking country?

Laos is a country in Asia where French is spoken as a second language due to its history of French colonization. It is one of the few Asian countries where French has official status alongside Lao.

Which country has the smallest spanish speaking population?

There are many countries that have a Spanish-speaking population of ZERO, including: China North Korea South Korea Japan Vietnam Taiwan Laos Burma Sri Lanka Iran

What is the percentage of people speaking french in France?

Approximately 87% of the population in France speaks French as their first language. Additionally, French is the official language of the country.

What is the population of Vietnam-?

86,967,524 people reside in Vietnam at last count86,116,56085,262,356 (July 2007 est.) according to the CIA Factbook

Why do vietnamese people speak french?

Because Vietnam used to be a French colony.