Checked. It also depends on the sentence in which you plan to use the word check.
Example: 1) Have you checked the gate?
2) Did you check the gate?
Slept is the past tense of the verb sleep, so there is no past tense for it.
"These" is not a verb and does not have a past tense.
Was is a past tense of the verb "be".
Weak is not a verb, so it has no past tense. "Weaken" is the related verb, and its past tense is weakened.
Yes.Checked out is the past tense of check out. Check out is a phrasal verb - it is more than one word. The two words check and out act together like one word.
The past tense of the verb 'am' is 'was' or 'were.' The verb 'am' is derived from the verb 'to be.'
The past tense of "do" is "did."
By is not a verb and does not have a past tense. Buy is a verb, and the past tense is bought.
The past-tense verb for "be" is "was" or "were" depending on the subject.
Cash (money) is not a verb but is a noun. This means that it has no past tense because only nouns have past tenses. However, the verb to cash out (to quit) has a past tense of to have cashed out. <><><><> You may also use the verb as in "I cashed a check yesterday."
"Shook" is the past tense of the verb, "to shake".
The past tense of the verb "take" is "took."
reside is the verb. Resided is the past tense.
The past tense of the verb "promise" is "promised."
The abbreviation for the past tense verb is "past."
Inactive is not a verb and does not have a past tense. Inactivate is a verb, and the past tense is inactivated.
The past tense of the verb "lead" is "led".