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The origin of different exotic foods is different. One exotic food may come from South America while another may come from Asia for example.

Exotic is also relative to where you come from. In Southeast Asia, German and Italian foods are seen as exotic, whereas in Europe, Thai and Vietnamese foods are considered exotic.

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Exotic foods come from all over the world. Every country considered exotic, such as Jamaica or Brazil, has always enjoyed cuisine that Americans consider exotic.

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What does exotic food mean?

Iintriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange. Perhaps like, roasted snails, basted in beer and fried in banana oil served over malted sand ... lol!!

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Yes, eating exotic foods is something you should try. This allows you to broaden your eating horizons and try new things.

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What is the most exotic food in the world?

That is an opinion, so there can't be one. And there are a lot of foods that are made up every day. Even trying something stupid counts. There are a lot of exotic foods though. Remember that another person's trash is another's treasure!

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