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There were many battles, it may be hard to include all the major ones. Dec 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor

May 1942 Battle of Midway Feb 1945 Iwo Jima Nov 8 , 1941 US lands in North Africa

Dec 1941-Jan1942 Stalingrad

July 1943 Invasion of Sicily

Sept 9 1943 Invasion of Salerno

Jan 1944- May1944 1st, 2nd & 3rd Battles of Cassino

Jan 22 1944 Invasion of Anzio

June 4, 1944 Liberation of Rome

June 6, 1944 Normandy Invasion

August 1944 Invasion of Southern France

Sept 1944 Allied attack across Holland

Dec 1944 Battle of the Bulge The above contributor is correct: It's a tough call to list them all: Just to mention the minor scrap between the Germans & Russians ! ( I note Stalingrad above) not to mention the British & Commonwealth forces in Burma (The forgotten 14th) and the war between the British (& Commonwealth) & the Afrika Korps. Then there's the Battle of Britain, the Strategic Bombing Campaign & the War of the Atlantic. The list goes on & on. These days we are informed of the deaths of servicemen in war in Iraq & Afghanistan in UK: The death toll in WW2 is totally unimaginable, in the early days for the British, & in the occupied countries & in the closing years for the Germans & Japanese the numbers of people killed is immense.

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11y ago

1. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in WWI.

2. The Great Depression ruined the German economy.

3. Germany could nor pay the WWI reparations.

4. Hitler came to power.

5. Germany, England, and France signed the Munich Agreement.

6. England and France practiced appeasement.

7. Germany violated the Munich Agreement

8. Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.

9. Italy invaded Ethiopia.

10. Germany invaded Poland.

11. England and France declared war on Germany.

12. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

13. The USA entered the war against Germany and Japan.

14. D-Day turned the tide in favor of the Allies.

15. Italy surrenders in 1943.

16. Japan and Germany surrender in 1945.

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I have added a link to an excellent source of information for you from our reference library. You can pick which events you want to learn about in World War 2.