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Q: What is the oldest industry that was first started in Jamestown?
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First permanent English settlement in North America?

The first major colony was Vagina, the heart of it at the time was Jamestown

Where was the first permanent settlement in us?

Depens on who was settleing...The oldest Indian settlement could be anywhere because no one knows which tribe truly settled first. The oldest European Settlement is St. Augestine in Florida, which was founded by the spanish. The first English was Jamestown in Virginia....the list goes onJamestown.

In which state is the oldest incorporated town?

I believe it was Delaware because it was the first state either that or it was Jamestown, Virginia which was the first English settlement or town.

Where was the first settlement in New England?

Plymouth was the first settlement in Massachusetts.

What is the difference between Jamestown and Plymouth?

Jamestown was founded first, and was a financial venture (they hoped to make money) Plymouth was settled for religious reasons. First settlers at Jamestown were all men, some of the first settlers at Plymouth were women.

When did lacrosse first originate?

Lacrosse was first started by the native Americans. it is the oldest north American sport.

What is the oldest European settlement in north America?

Jamestown. Simple answer.

How many people started Jamestown?

There were approximately 104 settlers who arrived at Jamestown in 1607, establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America.

What settlements was started by the Virginia company of London in 1607?

Jamestown, which was the first permanent English settlement in America

Where did slavery start in the US?

Slavery in the US started in Jamestown in 1619 when the first Africans arrived as slaves.

What happened in the colonial period?

one big event was the starting of the first successful colony, Jamestown started by John Smith and Beacons Rebellion which was the farmer uprising by the farmers in Jamestown.

Is it true that new york was the first and oldest colony and the other colonies looked up to it?

New York was not the first colony. Roanoke was, but it failed so Jamestown would have to be the first successful English colony.