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Epic of Gilgamesh?

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Q: What is the oldest book that is still being reprinted?
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What did Euclid contribute to mathematics?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

What contributions to mathematics did Euclid make?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

When did James Clerk Maxwell invented electromagnetism?

His book called "A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" was published in 1873. The 3rd edition was published in 1891, and it was reprinted and published by Dover in 1954 and reprinted again later.

What has the oldest book on magic got to do with the oldest book on double entry accounting?

The author of the oldest book of magic invented the double entry encounting. His name was Luca Paciola.

What is the oldest book in Ireland?

The Book of Kells

Who wrote the most widely reprinted book in English by an author of African descent in the post- Revolutionary period?

w.e. duboise

What city in the book of genesis still exists?

According to the Book of Genesis, the city of Damascus still exists. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and is located in present-day Syria.

What is the oldest book in the Library of Congress?

the mf book

Which book ends the Warriors series?

They are still being made.

Is being the oldest or youngest child better?

Being The Oldest, You May Have The Most "Power" Among Your Siblings. Youngest, You Get Most Attention. Answer Neither is better nor worse, just different. Dr. Kevin Leman wrote an interesting book on the topic called the Birth Order Book. There is a new one out called The New Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are in paperback. It is a fun read.