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Judaism has One God (Deuteronomy 6:4), who created the universe (Genesis 1:1).

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Q: What is the number of gods in Judaism?
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Are there other gods in Judaism?

No. We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.

Who are the gods or idols of judaism?

None. We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no gods or idols.

Why did the Romans have the same amount of gods as the Greeks?

Because the Romans took the Greek gods but actually, the Romans had quite a few more gods than the Greeks. At first, the Romans found similarities between the major gods and the number of gods was about the same. However as the Roman empire expanded, they assimilated other cultures' gods into their pantheon and the number mushroomed.

What is the number of gods egyptians worshiped?

I believe they were polytheistic so they worshipped gods of nature. as for the number, I'm not sure. Yes, they were polytheistic.

How does Jesus change the roman religion?

Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.Jesus was the founder of Christianity which was/is a monotheistic religion. This means that it worships only one God. At the time of Jesus, the world, with the exception of Judaism, was pantheistic, which means they worshiped many gods. The teachings of Jesus changed all this by bringing the concept of a single God to all the people.

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What are 2 major gods of Judaism?

Judaism is a monotheistic religion.

How many gods does the Judaism have?


Does judaism have gods?

We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.

How many gods are their for Judaism?

only wun

Who are the chief gods of judaism?

Judaism has only One God (Deuteronomy 6:4).

How many gods does Judaism believe in?

Judaism believes in One God, who created the universe.

Did Judaism have any gods?

We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.

How may gods does judaism have?

We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.

Are there other gods in Judaism?

No. We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.

Is passover dedicated to a goddess?

No. Judaism worships One God, creator of the universe. There are no gods and goddesses in Judaism. See also the Related Links.Link: More about PassoverLink: What is God like?

Who are the gods or idols of judaism?

None. We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no gods or idols.

How was judaism different from the roman religion?

The Romans were polytheistic meaning they worshiped many gods. Judaism was and is monotheistic.