The phone number of the Louisiana Public Library is: 573-754-4491.
The phone number of the Louisiana Military Museum is: 318-255-5999.
The phone number of the Louisiana Landmarks Society is: 504-482-0312.
The phone number of the Louisiana Museum Foundation is: 504-524-5839.
The phone number of the Louisiana High School Athletic is: 225-296-5882.
No, there is not a Six Flags in Paris.
Louise Thonssen Bridges has written: 'Flags of Louisiana' -- subject(s): Flags, Juvenile literature
Pirate flags can be found on a number on online stores. You can find pirate flags on, or a number of other specialty stores. Here is a great place to buy pirate flags online
No. 196 divided by 8 is 24.5. You would have to have 198 or 194 flags.
The phone number of the Flags Of Freedom Foundation is: 419-738-7670.
The phone number of the Louisiana Public Library is: 573-754-4491.
The phone number of the Louisiana Superdome is: 504-525-7925.
The phone number of the Louisiana Political Museum is: 318-628-5928.
The phone number of the Louisiana Historical Society is: 504-866-3049.
The phone number of the Louisiana State University is: 318-443-3458.
The phone number of the Louisiana Military Museum is: 318-255-5999.
The phone number of the Louisiana Landmarks Society is: 504-482-0312.