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Q: What is the native concept of time?
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Yes, Native American's had a different concept of war than Europeans did. In Native American wars the purpose was not always to kill the opponent, but to show them you could kill them but spared them. Winning a war by killing all of the other side was beyond the concept of war for Native Americans.

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Stock concept doesn't have a time reference whereas Flow concept has time reference i.e. Stock concept gives the value at an instant of time while flow concept gives the values over a period of time.

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Native American beliefs about sacred animals stems from a key element of Native American spirituality The most basic concept of native religious philosophy is the living earth, believing that the planet itself has an indomitable spirit. This concept makes animals a very important aspect of native religion and they are seen as representative of both the positive and negative aspects in life. Sacred animals have different meanings with each particular native culture.

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to produce new/original marketable native delicacies.

What were native Americans beliefs about lannd?

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Can you explain me time management its concept?

Time management is an concept that helps on to improve on their ability to use time wisely. This will improve efficiency and productivity especially at work.

Can you give me some sentence of word concept?

I know it is a difficult concept but in time you will understand it.