No. Sitting Bull was a native American.
how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American
Pte-San-Hunka or White Bull. Sitting Bull's nephew. A Native American!
There are MANY Native American languages, not just one. So you would need to ask for your translation in one particular Native American language, not just in "Native American." While the above statement is very true (the US alone has 175+ recognized tribes today), Sitting Bull was of the Oglala band of the Lakota nation (Sioux); in his native language his name was Tatánka Iyótake (tatánka means 'bison').
The v in Native American is part of the word "Native". It doesn't stand for anything.
No. Sitting Bull was a native American.
what is the Iroquois word for place of the skull or head
how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American
That is a fairly vague and confused question. "Bull" is the English term for a male bovine, also applied to the American bison or buffalo.In Blackfoot the term for a male buffalo is stomick.In Lakota the word for a male buffalo is tabloka or tatanka; you would say tatanka watakpe for "charging bull".
Chief Sitting Bull was Chief of the Hunk-Papa Souix.
How do you pronounce the Native American word techihhlia?
Pte-San-Hunka or White Bull. Sitting Bull's nephew. A Native American!
there is no such word in the native American vocabulary.
What is the translation to English of the Native American word Patalaska
Zuni was a Native American word.
sitting bull
he was a native american genral, he was also a spiritual leader.