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When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either. They may desperately need and want jobs. They may be in poverty, as many undoubtedly are, with America suffering today more people in poverty than in the entire half century the Census Bureau has been counting poverty. But they are not even counted in that 8.3% unemployment rate that Obama and his media cheerleaders were so tirelessly celebrating last week.

If they were counted, the unemployment rate today would be a far more realistic 11%, better reflecting the suffering in the real economy under Obamanomics.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Information can be found through the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics website:

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9y ago

The current unemployment rate is 6.9 percent. This is current as of August 2014. This number can and does change frequently.

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13y ago

As of 10/22/10, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists all 50 state's unemployment rates in the Related Link below

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12y ago

i thinks its like 10%.

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