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Dutch West Indian Company

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Q: What is the name of the trading company that established the colony of New Netherlands?
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Who founded the colony of new netherland?

The colony of New Netherland was founded by the Dutch West India Company in 1624. The company was established in 1621.

Why was the New Amsterdam colony established?

As a trading post

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Tyre was a trading colony established by the Phoenicians. Ur was a city in Mesopotamia founded by the Sumerians.

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Tyre established it s a trading colony in the Western Mediterranean.

What states did the Dutch establish new Netherlands?

The Dutch established their colony in New York.

Who founded new Netherlands colony?

The dutch west India company

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To make money for the Virginia Company.

How does colony relate to Phoenicians?

The Phoenician established a colony at Carthage in Tunisia which became a prominent power in the western Mediterranean. They also established trading stations/colonies around the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and in Babylon.

The Dutch West India Company established what colony?

New Amsterdam.

How did the Phoenicans discover Carthage?

They traded throughout the Mediterranean and established a trading colony there, which grew into an independent city-state.

In the colony New Jersey what European country did the founders come from in the 1600?

The Dutch West Indies Company from the Netherlands. It was a small effort intended as a trading post that failed because of conflict with the Native Americans, there were no survivors.