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The kitchen on a ship is kmown as the Galley.

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Q: What is the name of the room where meals are cooked on board of a ship?
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A room where meals are cooked on board a ship?

the galley or kitchen

What is the difference between room and board?

Room is just a room board is meals included

What is it called when meals included in room rate?

room and board

What is it called when meals are included in room rate?

When meals are included in the room rate, it is typically referred to as "full board" or "all-inclusive" depending on the level of meals and services provided.

What does room and board include?

Room and board will usually only include living accommodations and meals. The rest depends on the place or college attending.

Name of a room for communal meals?


Name of meeting room in organization?

Board room or conference room !

Can you get your housing paid while in prison?

By all government standards your "housing" is being paid; room & board, meals, laundry, etc. by the prison system. Outside housing will not be paid for in your name.

What room where meals cooked on the ship in the mayflower?

Aboard a wooden sailing ship, fire is a major concern. There was usually an area with bricks on which a fire could be built for cooking. There would not be a separate room for that.

What is the name of a room on board a ship?

A cabin or berth .

Does Lawrence Technological University have room and board?

Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071Yes it does. Room and board: $8,071

What is a self catered room?

It means you only get the room with no meals provided. You have to get your own breakfast , lunch and evening meals