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They are called "preachers",,,

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a proselytizer or a missionary.

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Preacher, Pastor,

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Q: What is the name of the person who spreads his or her religious beliefs to other spreads his or her religious beliefs to other?
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What is a martar?

A martar is a lame fellow, cripple, but a martyr is A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs or Kills (someone) because of their beliefs: she was martyred for her faith.

Why was Christianity able to flourish and able to replace old religious beliefs in the roman empire?

Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.

Did khufu have any religious beliefs?

no he is a other religion i think

What person made a religious impact in the Netherlands?

Jesus is responsible for 50% of Dutch religious beliefs. In grater detail 30% are Roman Catholic, 11% Dutch Reformed, 6% are Calvinist, 3% are other Protestants, 5.8% are Muslim, 2.2% other, and 2.2 are not religious.

What was the Puritans' attitude towards other religions?

Their attitude was extreme. They did not welcome people of other religious beliefs. In fact, their laws were based on their interpretations of the Old Testament and they did not allow people of other beliefs to settle in their towns. In fact, not believing in their god was grounds for execution. The Puritans left their homes to come to the New World for their own religious freedom not to extend freedom of religion to others.

Related questions

What is religious tolerance?

Being respectful to people who believe in something different from you

What is a martar?

A martar is a lame fellow, cripple, but a martyr is A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs or Kills (someone) because of their beliefs: she was martyred for her faith.

What do you call a person who makes fun of other's religion?

A person who makes fun of others' religion can be referred to as a religious bigot or a religious mocker. It is important to respect others' beliefs and refrain from mocking or belittling religious practices.

Did Khufu have religious beliefs?

no he is a other religion i think

Why was Christianity able to flourish and able to replace old religious beliefs in the roman empire?

Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.Christianity was able to replace the old religious beliefs in the empire because it filled the void left by the other beliefs. Christianity gave people hope, while the pantheistic beliefs did not.

Can atheists accept the religious beliefs of other people?

Of course. In fact, atheists are more accepting of people who think differently because they have no religious agenda to promote, no beliefs they feel the need to press on others.~Above answer is well put, but i might add, i myself do not accept the religious beliefs of another person, but i can accept the person. I mean, by 'accept' i do not share the belief, nor admire it in anyway, but rather, i accept the person, and accept their right to believe as they wish.

How do you say that one person is really in a piety condition?

A person who is in a condition of piety can be considered deeply religious. This person is faithful to their beliefs in a higher power and puts that above all other things.

Did khufu have any religious beliefs?

no he is a other religion i think

What is the term for willingness to let other people practice their religious beliefs?

religious tolerance

How did other cultures influenc Roman religious beliefs?

They needeed a plenis

What is the name of the other first amendment clause that protects your right to hold and exercise your religious beliefs as well as your right to hold no religious beliefs?

Free exercise clause

What is religious devotion?

Religious devotion is the commitment and loyalty that a person shows towards their faith or religious beliefs. It involves practicing rituals, prayers, and other religious activities as a way to express dedication and reverence towards a higher power or deity.