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The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. Although the British had agreed to most concessions prior to Ghent, one main one, Impressment was not one of them. They believed they had the right to impressment. As a result, President Madison was unable to ask Congress to agree to cease fighting. Britain accepted the United States as an independent sovereign country and the United States agreed to give up its designs on Canada.

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  • There was no official change in territory or policies.
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Treaty of Ghent

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Q: What is the name of the peace treaty that ended war of 1812?
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Name of treaty that ended the war of 1812?

It is the Treaty of Ghent.

Name of the treaty that ended the war of 1812?

The Treaty of Ghent .

What was the name of the treaty that ended that conflict?

An armistice, surrender or peace treaty usually ends conflict.

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The Treaty of Versailles.

The agreement that end the war?

It is called a peace treaty; an alternative to conditional or unconditional surrender. To know which treaty ended which war, it is necessary to know the name of the war.

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Versailles treaty was the peace treaty imposed on germany .

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Treaty of Versailles

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because plenty of people was getting to feel miss treated and hungry because they had to leave their children behind

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World War 2 in Europe ended in 1945, not 1945. The nearest thing to a peace treaty between the Allies and Germany wasn't signed till 1990.

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The Treaty of Paris

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The Spanish-American war of 1898.

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The Treaty of Paris.