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Q: What is the name of the general who won the battle of wilderness?
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Who won at the battle of the wilderness?

grant won the battle, the union army

What was the name of the general who won the Battle of Vicksburg?

Ulysses Grant.

Who won the Battle of the Wilderness?

the battle of the wilderness was undecisive, or there was no winner.

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No German general won The Battle of Berlin. The Russians defeated the Germans in that battle

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Gen. Grant won the battle of Corinth.

Who won the battle wilderness?

Lee - by forcing Grant to fight in forested terrain where the Union advantage in artillery could not be exploited.

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The battle in Walloomsac is known as the Battle of Bennington. The battle was won by General John Stark and his American forces.

Who was the general that won the Battle of Gettysburg?

General George Meade

Who won the battle in the wildernness?

Not enough info... the wilderness is a big place, and many battles have been been fought in places which could be considered wilderness

Who was the british general who won the battle of Fort Ticonderoga in 1777?

John Burgoyne was the general thet won the battle of Fort Ticonderoga 1777.

Who won the battle of Detroit?

general llamacorn