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There have been a number of famous (or if you were Spanish infamous) sailors during the Tudor reign.

The most famous, unknown sailors were the ones who drowned when King Henry VIII prize ship sunk just off the coast of England. His pride and joy the Mary Rose sank in 1545 with almost all hands drowning. The Mary Rose was the flag ship of his fleet. One of the admirals that commanded her was Sir Edward Howard. Sir William Fitzwilliam also captained the Mary Rose.

Most people are more familiar with the sailors from Queen Elizabeth I's reign because it was considered the Golden Era for England. The most famous sailor/privateer was Sir Francis Drake, who captained the Golden Hind. He was a vice-admiral, explorer, privateer (pirate to the Spanish he plunder) and one of the great defenders of England during the Spanish Armada. It was Drake who came up with the idea of fireships to repel the larger Spanish fleet.

The drum Drake had onboard his ship during his voyages is kept at Buckland Abbey at Yelverton, near Plymouth, England. Legend has it that on his death bed, Drake had it sent home so that if England ever needed him again the drum would beat and he would return to help save his beloved England.

Sir Martin Frobisher, best known for searching for the fabled North-West Passage. He was also a successful privateer.

Sir Walter Raleigh, settler, explorer, privateer and Sir Richard Hawkins are two more famous Tudor era sailors.

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