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chocolatl. _______________________________________________________ This drink was bitter and it was doctored with spices and flavorings. Some examples may have been vanilla and chili. It was not until 1521 when sugar was added to the drink. The sugar was not added by the Mayans or Aztecs but, by the Spanish. It was the Spanish explorer Cortes who landed in Mexico and returned back to Spain with cocoa beans. The Spanish found the drink bitter and it was them who morphed chocolatl into what later became Hot Chocolate.

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Q: What is the name of the drink made by the Mayans from cocoa beans?
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What treat did the Mayas create with cocoa seeds?

thay make hot chocolate the mayans were the first to discover the cocoa bean so they boild it in water and made hot chocolateAnswer:Like the Aztec the Maya had a very special view of the cocoa bean. The bean was worshipped as a special gift from heaven, a gift from the gods, specifically Ykchaua, who served as the patron of cocoa merchants. . The beans awere attributed with magical powers and used in ceremonies, religious rituals an healing.The beans were so valuable they were used as currency.The use of the beans to make a beverage was initiated by the Mayans. It was bitter and spicy. As the beans have to be fermented before use the development of drinkable cocoa is associated with alcohol or beer production. This is a high mark in most of human civilization.

Why was chocolate so important to the Mayan?

The Mayans believed it had a medicinal purpose. the "witch doctors" or healers, would mix cocoa with water, honey, and chili peppers for the sick to drink. they would include cocoa in religious ceremonies and offerings for the gods.

How does a cocoa bean grow?

Chocolate is made of Cacao beans, and cacao beans grow near the equator. Some places that are well known for growing chocolate or Costa Rica and Equator.

Why did the Mayans drink chocolate?

Chocolate was considered a very special drink. It was far different from any other food or drink that really existed at the time. It was very bitter, as no sugar or milk or fats were added to it, and it was often laced with chili powder. It was used to bless others, in ceremonies, and as an offering to Gods.

What is made out of cacao?

Cocoa, cocoa butter and CHOCOLATE!

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What is the name of the drink made by the mayans from cocoa beans and what does it mean?

called coca coca mocfha cengsh ice drink in top foods and drugs

What is the name of the ancient Mayan drink made of cocoa beans?

it is calld coco.

What drink is made from cocoa beans?

Cocoa beans grow in the tropics on a small tree. The beans grow in pods abount the size of a deflated football. First the beans are removed from the pods and firmented for afew weeks. Then they are roasted not unlike coffee beans. After that they are ground into cocoa. To turn these beans into chocolate, a good portion of them are roasted and sent separated by a machine called a winnower. From there they are ground into a paste and mixed with cocoa butter and sugar until refined into various forms of chocolate.

What are chocolate and cocoa made from?

cocoa beans.

What type of drink did the Mayan drint?

Usually water, but they also made fruit juice and a bitter chocolate drink from cocoa beans.

What is a word that has 2 consonants and 3 vowels?

Cocoa, which is a drink made from milk, sugar, and cocoa beans.

-What is cocoa beans made out of?

Cocoa beans are not "made" out of anything. They are a type of plant and seed pod that is grown and then harvested into cocoa powder, which is later turned into chocolate.

What is cocoa powder made of?

Cocoa powder is made from roasted and ground cacao beans, which are the seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. The beans are fermented, dried, roasted, and then processed to extract the fat (cocoa butter), leaving behind the cocoa solids, which are then ground into a fine powder.

How are cocoa beans made?

They are planted

What material is chocolate made of?

Chocolate is made of cocoa beans, cocoa butter and sugar.

How do you make chocolate without cocoa beans?

you cant because it not chocolate without cocoa beans

Are cocoa beans a tree nut?

Cocoa beans are not considered a tree nut. However they do come from trees. The actual tree nut is the Cacao tree nut which contains the actual cocoa beans.