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The name of the yearly cycle that the Roman Catholic Church undergoes is called the Liturgical Year. There are several Liturgical Seasons celebrated during the Mass and throughout her Liturgy. They are written in order: Advent/Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent/Easter, Pentecost (for one week, the Church offers Mass for Pentecost), and Ordinary Time. The Liturgical Year ends on the last week of Ordinary Time, on the feast of Christ the King. Then, the Liturgical Cycle begins again with Advent. It is noteworthy to mention that the Church creates a new Paschal Candle with the current year at the Easter Vigil, on the night before Easter Sunday. There is also a Cycle with the Gospels: Cycle A, Cycle B, Cycle C. In each of these cycles, which changes as does the Liturgical Year, different Gospel authors are read at the Liturgies. I hope this answers your question.

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The Roman Catholic Church or, simply, the Catholic Church.

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