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Q: What is the name of an evil spirit feared by Northwest Indian tribes?
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What did Tecumseh hope to accomplish by talking to other Indian tribes in the northwest territory?

i bet this is for homework

Where does Puget sound Salish Indians live?

they live in the Pacific northwest. Puget sound Salish Indian tribe is made up of different Indian tribes.

Who feared the Aztec's?

The Aztecs where feared by the Spanish when the Spanish had arrived. This is because they didn't have reinforcements. Also the Chichimec tribes and the Apachean Tribes. NOTE: All of the minor tribes feared them because they didn't have power or good military.

Which American Indian tribe inhabited the Pacific Northwest Coast?

The names of some of the tribes were: -The Kwakiat-The Tsimshian-The Tlingit-The Nootka-The Chinook-The Makah-The Haida-The Okanagon-The Kalapuya-The Kalispel-The Shuswap

Where did Totem poles came from?

native north American IndiansNative American totem poles are the ancient tradition of the Indian tribes of Pacific Northwest Coast and some of the Athabaskan tribes of southern Alaska.

Why do they make totem poles?

A totem pole served as the emblem of a family or clan, its unity, the rights to which people in each clan were entitled, and as a reminder of each clan's link to a spirit-ancestor. Totem poles are an ancient tradition of the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest Coast--Washington state in the USA, British Columbia in Canada - and some of the Athabaskan tribes of southern Alaska.

Because of missionary and government pressures the Northwest coast Indian potlatch system?

exists among some, but not all, tribes where it is practiced in modified forms.

What did various Indian tribes regard most earthen mounds as a symbol of?

the Great Spirit ^^WRONG ANSWER The correct answer is Mother Earth

Is Fallen Timbers located in the US or Canada?

Fallen Timbers is located in the US. The Battle of Fallen Timbers was the final battle of the Northwest Indian War. American Indian tribes battle against the United States for control of the Northwest Territory, with the US being a decisive winner in the battle.

Which tribes lived in the northwest?

the hupi

Which Indian tribes helped the French in the French and Indian War?

The Huron and Alagonquin

Did indianas of the northwest coast tribe play sports?

they consider hunting a sport and they do a lot of that!