One eye shadow was a green powdered malachite and black crushed lead ore.
The Egyptian name for Amen is empire.
Tefnut is the Egyptian goddess of the water. She is also the goddess of ferteninty.
The name of Egyptian's god of scarab beetless is Khepri.
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of sky and stars is Nut.
Osiris is the Greek spelling/pronunciation of the name of the Egyptian god, his Egyptian name meant "he of the throne".
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The name of Egyptian mascara is called KOHL.
The Egyptian name for Amen is empire.
The name of Anceint Egyptian mascara is "kohl."
The name of the Egyptian's god of baboons is Babi.
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of magic is Isis.
The name of Anceint Egyptian mascara is "kohl."
The name of Egyptian's goddess of the seventeenth is Anput.
The name of the Egyptian's god of creation is Ptah.
The name of the Egyptian's goose god is Gengen-Wer.
The name of the Egyptian's cat goddess is Bastet or Bast.
Tefnut is the Egyptian goddess of the water. She is also the goddess of ferteninty.