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what is the name of the vaccine for small pox

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Q: What is the name for the smallpox vaccination?
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Related questions

What cure smallpox?

A vaccination.

What are scientists doing or using smallpox for?

The treatment for smallpox was to get a vaccination.

Can someone refuse vaccination for smallpox?


Who introduced vaccination for smallpox?

Edward Jenner

How was the smallpox virus wiped out?

The use of aggressive vaccination.

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When did vaccination start in the United States for smallpox?


What was edward Jenner's accomplishment?

He discovered a vaccination for the smallpox

Who was the inventor of the vaccine against smallpox and concluded that a person inflicted with cowpox disease will not be inflicted anymore by smallpox?

An English doctor by the name of Edward Jenner. He noticed that milkmaids got cowpox which was similar to smallpox, but much milder, and after a milkmaid had had cowpox, she did not get smallpox. So Dr Jenner tried to scratch the skin of volunteers with a needle dipped in to cowpox germs. The volunteer got a transient mild illness and did not get smallpox after vaccination. When Dr Jenner's vaccine was shown to be so effective, vaccination against smallpox became compulsory. Smallpox is now almost entirely eradicated and most counties stopped making smallpox vaccination compulsory in the late 70s and early 80s.

How important of the prevention of disease was edward jenners discover of smallpox vaccination?

His discovery led to the eradication of smallpox around the world.

Why is smallpox now an extinct illness?

Because of vaccination programme