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Culture shock

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Q: What is the name for the difficulty in adjusting to a new way of life?
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Does Anthropologists often have difficulty adjusting to a new way of life?

Anthropologists may face challenges when adjusting to a new way of life, especially when conducting fieldwork in a different culture. Adapting to unfamiliar customs, language, and social norms can be a significant learning curve. However, with time, patience, and respect for the culture being studied, anthropologists can navigate these challenges successfully.

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Yes, Lola Rose moves to London in the story. She relocates with her family to start a new life and faces challenges while adjusting to her new surroundings.

Does cultural shock have physical effects?

Yes, culture shock can have physical effects such as fatigue, headaches, stomach issues, and difficulty sleeping. These symptoms may arise due to the stress and anxiety of adjusting to a new culture, environment, and way of life. It's important to take care of your physical and mental well-being when experiencing culture shock.

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Just name it... MY LIFE AS A NEW CHEERLEADER X this is my life as a new cheerleader and this is wht i think! < not good answer ! Thank youuu :) I called it The Diary of a cheerleader 'cause that was taken :) Thanks anywayy <3

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Depends on skill level, for me, it was medium difficulty, if you're new to the PC gaming world, you should start out with something simpler.

When an anthropologist has difficulty adjusting to a new culture and feels uneasy unhappy and wishes to go home this condition is referred to as?

Culture shock is the term used to describe the feeling of uneasiness and unhappiness that an anthropologist or an individual may experience when struggling to adjust to a new culture. Symptoms can include feelings of isolation, frustration, and a longing to return home.

When do a person experience a culture shock?

A person may experience culture shock when they are exposed to a new culture that is significantly different from their own, leading to feelings of disorientation, frustration, and anxiety. This can occur when traveling, moving to a new country, or even when transitioning to a different social or work environment. Symptoms can include homesickness, confusion, and difficulty adjusting to new customs and norms.