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In 1936, Orde Wingate organized members of the Jewish paramilitary group, Hagannah, along with British forces into the Special Night Squads and fought the Arab Revolt of 1936 The Mandate Palestine Police employed both Jewish, Arab Muslim and Arab Christian "supernumary constables". The Palestine Force was the only colonial police force that did not employ full-time native officers.

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Q: What is the name for a member of the Jewish police force set up in 1936 in the British mandate in Palestine?
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Who is a zionist?

A zionist is a member of the Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

How did Frank Foley help the Jews when they were mistreated during the Holocaust?

Frank Foley was an official at the British Embassy in Berlin in the late 1930s and had a senior post in the passport and visa department. As far as possible, he bent or broke the British government's rules for admitting refugees to (1) Britain and (2) the British Mandate of Palestine. He sympathized with the plight of the Jews and tried to admit as many as possible without getting caught by either his co-workers, his superiors or by the Nazis.On at least one occasion, he went to Buchenwald concentration camp in person, and secured the release of one or more Jewish prisoners on the understanding that they would be allowed into Britain without further ado.In 2010 Foley was nominated a British Hero of the Holocaust (BHH) as, for reasons that I do not know, he did not enjoy dimplomatic immunity and in addition to working in the passport and visa department of the British Embassy he was also a member of the Secret Intelligence Service.

Is Pakistan a member of the British commonwealth?

Yes Pakistan is a member of the British Commonwealth

In 1948 Jews set up Israel in part of what country?

Answer 1In 1948 The Jewish Areas of Palestine and the Arab Areas of Palestine split intotwo countries; however the Palestinians didn't accept this split.Answer 2The British mandate of Palestine, an overseas possession of the British Empire (and therefore not a country), was created after World War I after the defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.The intention was to create a "national home of the Jews" within the area of Palestine without compromising the status of the existing majority Arab population. Quite how this was expected to happen is one of the great mysteries of British foreign policy.By the time the British Mandate ran out, various schemes had been proposed to divide the land between the Jewish and Arab population but both sides rejected every idea. Once the British left, the issue was decided by force of arms after the unilateral declaration of a Jewish State. The Jews eventually gained control of the majority of Palestine, with the exception of the West Bank territory and the Gaza Strip. This area was recognized by the UN security council as the State of Israel.The remainder of Palestine was annexed by Jordan (West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza), leaving the Palestinian people in a stateless limbo, which was further complicated by the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.Answer 3While agreeing with much of what Answer 2 brings up, the following issues are worth clarifying.When discussing how Israel arose after the British departure, and saying that the issue was decided by force of arms, it is worth pointing out that there was a simultaneous invasion of Israel by the massed armies of ALL the surrounding countries plus Iraq, followed by unexpected Israeli victory and survival after the unilateral declaration of a Jewish State. In addition to the recognition of the State of Israel afforded by the UN security council, the UN General Assembly recognized Israel as a nation and admitted it as a full UN member less than a year later.The stateless limbo that the Palestinians found themselves in is not only due to Israeli action. All of the Arab countries that Palestinians fled to also declined to grant them citizenship and continue to decline them citizenship. The issue of Palestinian citizenship and a political future was complicated by the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel, and by the Hamas split with the Palestinian Authority and armed takeover of Gaza following the 2006 Israeli withdrawal.

What does mbe stand for?

Member of the Order of the British Empire, honor awarded by the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth.

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When was Palestine declared a nation for Jews?

Wait a second. Help me out here, and please take it slowly, because sometimes I get confused . . . If Palestine was declared a nation for Jews, and the Jewish nation has been a UN member for 62 years, then exactly what country are Erakat and Abbas and Ashrawhi trying so hard to get admitted to the UN now ?

Who is a zionist?

A zionist is a member of the Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

Is Israel a member of UN?

Answer 1Palestine is not recognized as an independent nation because it fails to reach the eight internationally accepted criteria necessary to attain that status. Therefore, it is not a member, but a permanent observer of the U.N.Answer 2There is no 'Palestine' country, so no the answer is no. The land formerly known as 'Palestine' was a British mandate. Most of that land is now Israel and Israel does have a seat in the United Nations although, due to politics has very limited power.Answer 3The majority of the former British Mandate of Palestine is occupied by Israel but the remaining 22%, called the West Bank and Gaza, declared independence in 1988. In the last democratic elections in Palestine, Hamas won the majority of seats in the Palestinian government called the Palestinian Legislative. However, the Legislature has been unable to meet and govern since 2007 due the majority of its members being imprisoned by Israel. It has applied for membership but its membership in the UN Security Council, but it was vetoed by the USA. Therefore, it is not a member, but was invited to have be a permanent observer of the U.N., and have a seat, but does not have any voting powers. The only other state that is permitted this privilege is the Holy See i.e. The Vatican.

Is Palestine a UNO registered country?

Palestine is recognized as a non-member state by the United Nations.

How does a parliament member loses his seat during mandate period?

He or she didn't do well his/her jobs and not responsible before mandate period.

Is palestine a member of the UN?

As yet (mid-2010), there is no sovereign nation named "Palestine", so of course no nation by that name has as yet requested member status in the UN. When a nation with that name exists, and approaches the UN for membership, its request will be voted on by the current member nations, in the same fashion as each of them became members.

How did Frank Foley help the Jews when they were mistreated during the Holocaust?

Frank Foley was an official at the British Embassy in Berlin in the late 1930s and had a senior post in the passport and visa department. As far as possible, he bent or broke the British government's rules for admitting refugees to (1) Britain and (2) the British Mandate of Palestine. He sympathized with the plight of the Jews and tried to admit as many as possible without getting caught by either his co-workers, his superiors or by the Nazis.On at least one occasion, he went to Buchenwald concentration camp in person, and secured the release of one or more Jewish prisoners on the understanding that they would be allowed into Britain without further ado.In 2010 Foley was nominated a British Hero of the Holocaust (BHH) as, for reasons that I do not know, he did not enjoy dimplomatic immunity and in addition to working in the passport and visa department of the British Embassy he was also a member of the Secret Intelligence Service.


Pharisee, member of a Jewish religious party that flourished in Palestine during the latter part of the Second Temple period (515 bce–70 ce). The Pharisees' insistence on the binding force of oral tradition (“the unwritten Torah”) remains a basic tenet of Jewish theological thought.

Can management mandate police bullet proof vests?

If you are a member of the law enforcement profession and your department issues the vests to you as part of your uniform, yes, they can mandate that you wear them.

The member of parilament of british columbia is a member of which party?

The member of parliament of British Columbia is a member of conservative party.

Did Turkey vote for Israel to become a state?

In November 1947, Turkey was one of 13 UN members voting against Resolution 181to partition the British Mandate into Arab and Jewish sections. The resolution passed.Israel declared its independent sovereignty in May 1948. The move didn't require thepermission of others, and there was no "vote".Israel was admitted as a member of the UN six months later.

How did Israel become Jewish again after it was taken over by the Muslims?

A:Palestine had always had a mixed religious environment. Judah and, later, Galilee were largely Jewish, but Samaritans followed an archaic form of Judaism and pagan gentiles lived in the coastal cities and the larger towns of Galilee. From the fourth century onwards, the region became a Christian area. After the conquest of Palestine by Muslims in 637 CE, much of the local population gradually converted to Islam, but there was also a strong Christian presence among the Palestinians as well as a significant minority of Jews. On the eve of Crimean War, (1853-56) about half a million people lived in Palestine, including 60,000 Christians and 20,000 Jews.The first Zionist Congress was convened in Basle in 1897. At the time, there was not yet widespread Jewish support for Zionism and many traditional rabbis forbade their followers to have anything to do with Zionist activities. They felt that Zionism is meddling with God's will. A second Zionist Congress in 1898 added the imperative of colonising Palestine.In the early years of the twentieth century, Herzl proposed that a temporary Jewish state be set up in British Uganda. This was considered seriously by some in Whitehall, but foiled by the "territorial Zionists" who regarded it as a betrayal of Zionism. In 1917, Lord Balfour, British Foreign Secretary, declared British commitment to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, provided it does not clash with the interests of the local Palestinian population.In 1928 the Arabs unexpectedly accepted parity with Jews in the local government, under British Mandate, but Zionists rejected parity and proposed partitioning of Palestine. In 1942, The Jewish leadership, at a convention held in America, declared that it would not be satisfied with less than the whole of Mandate Palestine as a Jewish state.After the 1936 revolt, the Stern Gang and the Palmach did all they could to drive Palestinians out of their country. A minority envisaged a future kingdom of Israel extending to the eastern border of Transjordan. Between May 1948 and January 1949, 370 Palestinian villages were wiped out in the coastal strip between Tel-Aviv and Haifa alone. In many cases, if the villagers refused to leave, they are put onto trucks and driven away to the West Bank.In February 1947, Britain entrusted the United Nations to solve the Palestinian problem. By then, the Arab League had committed to an independent Arab Palestine. USA and USSR agreed that Palestine was to be divided. Afterwards, America began to have second thoughts about partition, but strong lobbying by the Jewish community averted a change in policy.For one day, 11th May 1949, Israel consented to negotiate UN proposals, during which time Israel was accepted as a member of the UN, then reneged on any further discussions. In 1950, the Israeli Knesset passed legislation that allows the government to go on confiscating Palestinian property.