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The hammer thing, or if you get Entei out of a Pokeball =P

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Q: What is the most vicious melee weapon?
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What melee weapon was shown on call of duty 3?

It was your weapon!

Is a gun an effective melee weapon?

Not Really

When was the term melee weapon first used in writing?

in 1974.

What do you do if i threw away your melee weapon on WoW?

Buy a new one

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What can hurt lions?

a weapon a AK 47 Magnum a melee weapon knife samurai sword almost anything can hurt a lion

What is the best weapon on minecraft?

Well if you need a ranged weapon it is the bow and arrow, but the best melee weapon is the diamond sword, made with a stick with two diamonds on top.

How do you defeat bumblebee on transformers?

use melee and block when he uses his mega weapon thing

What is the best ice melee weapon in adventure quest?

The Ice Blade of awe if you elementilize it

Is the sentinel beam a weapon?

No. If you are talking about a melee attack, there are EMP Laceration, Hammer Strike, and Fusion Reaver. The strongest beam weapon is a Solaris Laser.

What is the best melee weapon in runescape for nonmembers?

The best melee weapon for non-members is probably the Gravite Rapier, in terms of damage per second. The weapon with the highest accuracy and strength for nonmembers is the Gravite 2h sword, though this weapon attacks much slower. Please note that both of these weapons require you to dungeoneer for quite a while, especially if your combat level is 90 or higher.

What is comparative of vicious?

"Vicious" doesn't have a comparative and superlative form. Instead, you would say "more vicious" or "most vicious."