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Q: What is the most populous independent country in Africa?
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What is the largest populous country in Africa?

Nigeria is the most populous African nation, with over 150million people and 267 tribes

The most highly populated country in North Africa?

Egypt, with an estimated 2015 population of 88.5 million. The second most populous, Algeria, has less than half that number.

What country in western Africa has the highest population?

Nigeria, with a population exceeding 140 million, is the most populous country in all of Africa, not just West Africa.

What is the second-most populous country in Africa?

Ethiopia with an approximate 85 million people

What is the most populous country in Africa?

Nigeria with 111,000,000 people.

What is Africa's most populated nation?

Africa's most populous nation is Nigeria and it is the tenth most populous nation in the world!. :)

Which is most populous country?

The most populous country in the world is China, with over 1.4 billion people.

Where is Mogadishu the capital city of what country?

Mogadishu is the capital and most populous city of Somalia, a country located in the Horn of Africa.

The pearl of Africa?

The Pearl of Africa is Uganda (Republic of Uganda). It is a landlocked country located in East Africa. It is the second most populous among the landlocked countries.

Which country is the fifth most populous?

The fifith most populous country is Brazil, with 186,112,800 people