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tsar bomba was the most destructive ever tested

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11y ago

a giant antimatter bomb is enough to literally destroy our home planet earth

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15y ago

the hydrogen bobmit has enough power to split the entire planet in half. there good enough answer for you

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14y ago

The 15,000 pound "Daisy Cutter" used to clear helicopter landing zones in South Vietnam. Dropped by C-130 cargo planes by parachute into jungles.

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Q: What is the most destructive bomb?
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What does an atomic bomb have?

Enormous destructive power.

What happens in the atom bomb that makes it so destructive?

Splits an atom, I mean Adam.

How did scientist view using the atomic bomb?

The development of the atomic bomb was not only the most ambitious scientific enterprie in history, it was also the best-kept secret of the war.

How has the atomic bomb raised moral issues?

An atomic bomb has enough destructive force to annihilate an entire city. It can kill thousands of people in a single blast.

Why is Hydrogen bomb more destructive than atom bomb?

A hydrogen bomb is more destructive than an atomic bomb because it has hydrogen. Hydrogen is highly flammable, and if a hydrogen bomb exploded with enough force and just enough fire, a huge wide area of a fiery explosion will occur. This is more destructive than the atomic bomb. Fire basically engulfs everything and destroys all in its path, making for an effective bomb.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wrong!Hydrogen does not burn in a hydrogen bomb, it fuses releasing atomic energy too. This fusion reaction is over in microseconds, much faster than combustion can start; also it reaches temperatures in the tens of millions of degrees, much hotter than any chemical fire or fission bomb. The reason a fusion bomb is usually more destructive than a fission bomb is the fusion bomb has no upper limit on yield, the fission bomb cannot be built with a yield over 1 megaton. One can just keep adding fusion stages until you get the desired yield.

Related questions

Which is the Most destructive weapon on earth?

The nuclear bomb

Is atom bomb the most popular?

It is almost never used, but it is the most destructive.

How harmful is a nuclear bomb?

It is the most destructive weapon ever created.

What is the hbomb?

A hydrogen bomb is, by far, the most destructive weapon that mankind has ever invented. It is the most powerful type of nuclear bomb.

Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb (thermonuclear bomb) is more destructive than a regular nuclear bomb (fission bomb). Hydrogen bombs release much larger amounts of energy and have the potential to create significantly more devastation and damage.

What does an atomic bomb have?

Enormous destructive power.

What was the biggest and most destructive atomic bomb in history?

The Father Of All Bombs, In 2nd, It Is The Mother Of All Bombs

How do you use the word destructive in a sentence?

The destructive force of a tornado can damage all but the most substantial structures, and concrete buildings are the safest refuge. A bored house cat can often become destructive and damage furnishings.

Which weapon had even greater destructive abilities than the atomic bomb?


Which is a destructive computer code or virus that is designed to activate a a specific time?

a bomb

Which is more destructive an atom bomb or a hydrigen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb is more destructive than an atom bomb. A hydrogen bomb releases much more explosive energy through nuclear fusion reactions, whereas an atom bomb relies on nuclear fission reactions. As a result, a hydrogen bomb can produce a significantly larger explosion and more widespread damage.

How destructive is a cobalt bomb?

A cobalt bomb is a type of nuclear weapon designed to produce massive amounts of radioactive fallout, making it exceptionally destructive and dangerous. The long-lasting and widespread effects of the radiation can have devastating consequences on both humans and the environment, causing widespread contamination and long-term health risks. It is considered one of the most destructive and deadly weapons ever conceived.