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The great wall of china.

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Q: What is the most ancient architecture in china?
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What effects does ancient architecture have on china?

it will increase the beauty of china.people will like to see the ancient sculptures and would like to know about the history of china.

Which ancient civilization concentrated on the development of the arts architecture and literature?

The ancient civilisation which was most famous for arts, architecture and literature was ancient Greece, especially ancient Athens.

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William Hugh Plommer has written: 'Ancient and classical architecture' -- subject(s): Ancient Architecture, Architecture, Ancient, Architecture, Greek, Architecture, Roman, Greek Architecture, Roman Architecture

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crickets were the most popular pets in ancient china

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What is ancient Athens architecture?

Ancient Athens Architecture is how they built temples or houses. Architecture means buildings and structure of something ! Ancient Athens Architecture : means Building's Styles , and the STRUCTURE of somethingg!!!

What is the most interesting ancient civilization?

The most interesting ancient civilization is subjective, but some commonly cited ones include the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Maya. These civilizations are known for their advancements in areas such as architecture, art, science, and politics, which continue to fascinate people today.

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Theodore Fyfe has written: 'Hellenistic architecture' -- subject(s): Architecture, Greek, Architecture, Ancient, Architecture, Hellenistic, Ancient Architecture, Greek Architecture, Hellenistic Architecture 'Hellenistic Architecture - An Introductory Study'

The most heavily populated region of the ancient china was?

the north china plain

Was architecture developed in ancient Egypt?

Triangular domes, called pyramids, were ancient Egyptian architecture.