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Cuba, or the Wet Indies. Then De Soto went on to Florida, and Cortes to Central America

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Q: What is the modern day nation that both Hernan Cortes and Hernando de Soto began their explorations from?
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What part of Spain was Hernando Cortes born in?

His name is more commonly known as Hernan Cortez and Cortés was born in 1485 in the town of Medellín, in modern day Extremadura, Spain.

What languages did Hernando Cortes speak?

Hernando Cortes was from the kingdom of Castile and so spoke Castilian (Castellano), a language that is the primary root language of modern Spanish.

What country did Hernando Cortes come from?

Cortés was born in 1485 in the town of Medellín, in modern day Extremadura, Spain. He died in Seville Spain.

Where did Hernan Cortes come from?

Cortés was born in 1485 in the town of Medellín, in modern day Extremadura, Spain.

Which explorer explored mexico?

One extremely important Spanish explorer and conquistador, named Hernando Cortes, explored a good part of modern day Mexico.

What countries did Hernando Cortes explore for?

Hernando Cortes explored and conquered Mexico on behalf of Spain. He is most known for the conquest of the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century. The capital city of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, is now modern-day Mexico City.

How many names did Hernan Cortes have?

While he is often now referred to as Hernán or Hernando Cortés , in his time he called himself Hernando or Fernando Cortés. The names Hernán, Hernando and Fernando are all equally correct. The latter two were most commonly used during his lifetime, but the former shortened form has become common in both the Spanish and English languages in modern times, and is the name by which many people know him today.

Where and when was Hernan Cortes born?

Cortes was born in 1485 in the town of Medelin, in modern day Extremadura, Spain. I cannot be more specific about his date of birth, as no known records survive to tell us his actual date of birth.

Which explores conquered the Aztecs and Incas?

A Spanish Explorer, named Hernando Cortes set foot in the Aztec empire in 1519. His expedition was to set across the land to find gold and bring the treasures to Spain. He conquered surrounding civilizations such as theTectonacs and Tlaxcalans. This may of been why he was able to defeat the Aztecs, as they were a very powerful empire. He also ruled parts of Mexico .

Which statement accurately describes Hernan Cortes?

Hernán Cortés led Spanish soldiers, called conquistadores, to modern-day Mexico and conquered the peoples of the Aztec Empire.

What is Cortes result?

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador known for conquering the Aztec Empire in modern-day Mexico in the early 16th century. His result was the defeat of the Aztec Empire and the colonization of Mexico by the Spanish. Cortes's actions laid the foundation for Spanish control over Mexico and the eventual establishment of New Spain.

Who was hernan Cortes and what did he do -?

Hernando Cortez was a Spanish explorer and Conquistador. He Landed his expedition in the American southwest in search of riches for the Spanish Empire. The expedition eventually made its way to Tenochtitlan where the Aztec capital was located(modern Mexico City). He convinced the Aztecs that he was a god and is responsible for conquering the Aztecs