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Anti-ballistic missile systems.

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Q: What is the modern day equivalent to castles in England?
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How did castles change though time?

Yes Castles have changed through time to midevil castles to modern day castle in the U.S or Britain. But People call modern castles mansions.

A tribute is similar to your modern day payment called?

A tribute is the ancient equivalent of the modern day tax.

What modern day country is York in?

England, Northern Yorkshire

What is the name of the holiday equivalent to mother's Day in England?

The name of the holiday in England that is equivalent to Mother's Day is Mothering Sunday. Mother Sunday is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

What is the modern day equivalent of the league of nations?

The United Nations.

Why might it have been more difficult to attack a castle then it was to defend it?

Stone or square keep castles were first built in Medieval England by William the Conqueror. Stone keep castles were the natural extension of motte and bailey castles. Motte and bailey castles were only temporary features (though many mottes exist to the day) while stone keep castles were built to last

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A robber barron is the equivalent to modern day stockbrokers.

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A robber barron is the equivalent to modern day stockbrokers.

Who is squizzy Taylor's modern day equivalent?

the woman in your house. your mum

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The blue cornflower is the french equivalent to what in England?

It's the equivalent of the poppy, and is worn to celebrate Armistice Day.

What are the the settings in the book hellsing?

Hellsing takes place in modern day London, England.