Killer is not a French word.
The name 'Brontë' has no meaning in French.
'une anse' is a bay at the seaside in French. 'Grand anse' or 'Grande Anse' are placenames meaning 'large bay' in French.
Ottoman, ottomane are used in French with the same meaning.
It is not parley France. But parler Francais. Meaning speaking French. Or, parlez-vous Francais? Meaning do you speak French? I know the French grammar can be a real headache at times. Hope I answered your question.
Pierre de souci is a literal French equivalent of the English phrase "worry stone." The pronunciation of the prepositional phrase -- which translates literally as "stone of worry" -- will be "pyer duh soo-see" in French.
a worry (noun) is 'un souci' (masc.) in French. To worry is 'se faire du souci / être inquiet / s'inquiéter de)
"gulamala" is not a French word; it has no meaning in French.
I have in French is J'ai
A French Horn has no meaning, it is simply a musical instrument.
French and Old French, depending on which meaning you are meaning.
Yes, it an adjective meaning having worry.Things that can cause worry are worrisome, or worrying.
The meaning of "gentle" in French is "doux."
It is just a rhyme... and basically a silly way to say "Don't worry."