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The USA government is broken up into 3 pieces of its own Branch witch are called... Legislative branch, Executive branch, and the Judaical Branch.

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Q: What is the mane of a government where power is carefully divided between a central government and several regional or provincial governments?
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System of government in which a constitution divides the powers of government between a national government and several regional governments?

That is either the Federation or Confederation governmental form, vs a Unitary form where power rests in the central government alone.

What native government links different groups?

A federal government can link different groups within a country. This type of government shares powers and responsibilities between a central authority and regional or local governments, allowing different groups to have representation and decision-making power. Additionally, democratic systems with mechanisms such as elections and political parties aim to provide representation and bridge the gaps between diverse groups within a country.

What are satraps in ancient Greece?

Satrap was the Persian word for a provincial governor in their empire. The persians divided their empire into 20 satrapies (provinces) for ease of governing, governed by a satrap who was responsible to the king and his council for internal and external security, collecting taxes, and overseeing the local governments of the cities, tribes and petty kingdoms within their province.

What is the most popular system of government in the world?

the most popular system of government is the unity system, in which there is no regional representation just a national government (like in a federal system), and the national government holds most of the power

Would the most important action the governments of North Africa and Southwest Asia could take to improve regional stability be decreasing multiculturalism?

Of course, there are different opinions about this, but in my view multiculturalism is one of the few ideologies that could save the Middle East and provide regional stability. Governments of North Africa and Southwest Asia generally cater to only one ethnicity and leave the others to languish, resulting in protests and riots followed by harsh repression. So, NO, the most important action to improve stability would to incorporate multiculturalism into North African and Southwest Asian governments.

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What is the name of a government where power is carefully divided between central government and several regional or provincial governments?

Federal government

What is the name of government where the power is carefully divided between a central government and several regional or provincial governments?

Federal government

What is the name of a government where power is carefully divided between a central government and several regional or provincial government?

Federal government

What is the name of government where power is carefully divided between a central government and several regional or provincial government?

Federal government

What is the name of the government where power is carefully divided between a central government and several regional or provincial government?

Federal government

What are three levels of government in Canada p to the e to the n to the g to the uin?

The three levels of government in Canada are federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal. The federal government is responsible for national matters, the provincial/territorial governments handle regional issues, and municipal governments are in charge of local matters. Each level has its own elected representatives and specific areas of jurisdiction.

What is the term for a government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level and the central government has very weak and limited powers?

A confederation is a form of government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers

What is the term for government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level and the central government has very weak and limited powers?

A confederation is a form of government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers

What is the term for a government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers?

A confederation is a form of government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers

Where can someone find a business continuity template?

You can find a business continuity template on the Queensland government's website or through a search on Google. Most provincial/regional governments have a template on their websites.

How did King Cyrus govern the Persian Empire?

Through a council, provincial governors and local regional/city governments

What is the difference between federal and provincial?

Federal refers to the entire country or nation, while provincial refers to individual states or regions within a country. In a federal system, power is shared between the central government (federal) and regional governments (provincial). Each province typically has its own government and authority over certain areas such as education and healthcare.