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Most tornado deaths are the result of people by struck by flying or falling debris.

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Q: What is the main death cause by a tornado?
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Related questions

Can a tornado cause death and destruction?

Yes. Tornadoes are well known for the death and destruction they cause.

What is the most common cause of death from tornadoes?

The most common cause of death in a tornado is being hit by debris.

What is the main thing to cause injuries during a tornado?

Most tornado injuries are caused by debris carried or thrown by the tornado.

How does a tornado's debris affect humans?

Debris is the primary cause of death in a tornado. People may be killed or injured as the are pummeled, penetrated, or crushed by debris.

What other storm can a tornado cause?

A tornado cannot cause another type of storm, though some strong tornadoes will spawn smaller satellite tornadoes that "orbit" the main vortex.

Why do tornadoes kill?

The main cause of death in a tornado is flying debris. The winds can pick up objects, such as pieces of buildings, and carry them at great speeds. This often results in death from penetration or blunt injuries. People can also be crushed by falling trees or collapsing buildings. In some cases people are picked up and thrown by the wind of a tornado, usually resulting in serious injury or death.

Can a tornado cause death?

Yes. Tornadoes kill dozens, sometimes hundreds of people every year

What is the main cause of damage of a tornado?

The main cause of damage from a tornado is the extreme wind speed and debris carried by the tornado. The high winds can destroy buildings, uproot trees, and toss objects with great force, causing widespread destruction in its path.

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How can a tornado endanger property and people?

The winds of a tornado can severely damage or destroy property. Flying debris, collapsing buildings, and falling trees can cause injury or death.

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