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Q: What is the life expectancy of pilots in fly boy?
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How long is the life expectancy of a fly?

It depends on the type of the fly. For some flies, the life expectancy rate can be 24 hours! A "house fly"'s average is seven to ten days, but it can live up to a month in colder environments.

What are the people that fly the airplane?

They are called, "Pilots".

Do Vietnamese pilots know how to fly planes?

If they are pilots they should. ;)

What is the difference between a corporate and commercial and an airline pilot?

Commercial pilots are any pilots that fly for to earn money, as opposed to military pilots or pilots that fly for the fun of it. Commercial pilots would include both Corporate pilots and Airline pilots. Corporate pilots fly for a specific company, flying the companies airplanes. As an example GM, Ford and other big companies have their own planes to fly groups around the country or the world. It is often more cost effective then buying commercial airline tickets. Airline pilots fly for airlines and are usually required to be members of a union. Another type of commercial pilot are those that fly for Cargo companies, such as FedEx or UPS.

Do pilots fly when it is raining?


What do helicopters pilots do?

They fly helicopters.

What can a pilot do with a pilots license?

You can fly planes with it, retard.

What do aviators do?

Aviators are pilots and fly aircraft.

How pilots does it take to fly a B737?

it takes three people to fly a b737

Does the navy employ helicopter pilots?

The Navy has helicopters and employs pilots to fly them. And they even train you to do it.

What is a pilots job?

a pilots job is to fly a plane and take us fron places to places.

Why do you think pilots like to fly above the troposphere?

Pilots DO fly above the troposphere (no opinions) because the flying conditions are better and there is a lot less weather.