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Q: What is the life expectancy of a corpsman in Vietnam?
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Life expectancy of a paratrooper?

That all depends on what war and what battle they were fighting in.....To the best of my knowledge the avg. life expectancy of a paratrooper in Vietnam was less than 20 sec!!

What was the average life expectancy of a medic after he got off the chopper in Vietnam?

16 minutes for a machine gunner entering a combat zone I was a Naval Hospital Corpsman in 1979. I attended a "c" school-Field Medical Service School- were I was taught combat medicine. My instructors were all Vietnam Veterans. My class was informed, at that time, that a Corpsman's life expectancy in Vietnam was 19 minutes. This time estimate was for the corpsman just getting off the jet that delivered him to Vietnam. While apparently what was being told to troopers, the above is ridiculous on its face. If everyone died (on average) 20 minutes after they got to Vietnam, then, statistically, to have 1 person survive a full year in Vietnam, over 52,000 would have to die inside of 10 minutes. Plainly, that didn't happen. Over 2.5 million US soldiers served in the Vietnam War (many doing more than one tour), with about 60,000 dying. For a 10-year war, that means there was (on average) 6,000 deaths per year out of 250,000 people serving, or a 2.5% death rate, or 1 death every 41 minutes. Presuming that only 25% of all people serving in Vietnam saw front-line action, and that ALL deaths were at the front-lines, that means 6,000 deaths for 62,500 grunts, a 9.6% death rate. Which means that almost 91% of all combat vets survived. Frankly, no one measures "X-second life expectancies"; it's a ridiculous metric, and impossible to measure in a meaningful way. To do so, one would have to measure this: A = average life expectancy of civilian of the same age as the soldier B = % of soldiers dying that year C = average age of a soldier Let's say that A = 75, B = 0.1 (10%), and C = 24. So, the amount of time that a Vietnam vet could expect to live after arriving in Vietnam would be roughly: (A - C ) * ( 1 - B ) or (75 - 24) * (1 - 0.1) = 45.9 So, the average life expectancy of a combat soldier in Vietnam would be to live almost 46 more years (to age 70). And, that's a gross underestimation (i.e. in reality, it would be considerably higher).

What is the life expectancy for Vietnam?

US Infantrymen were alittle more at risk at becoming a casualty, than their WW2 fore fathers; by virtue of the helicopter...which caused the Vietnam War GI to fight more battles in a smaller amount of time than a WW2 serviceman...who had no RAPID DEPLOYMENT CAPABILITIES (the helicopter). Example(s): A WW2 GI might fight one battle in 2 days; whereas a Vietnam GI might fight 2 battles in 2 days. Other than that; each GI in Vietnam was expected to complete his 12 month tour of duty in country.

What was the average life expectancy in the 1700s?

The life expectancy in the 1700s was about 47 years old The life expectancy in the 1700s was about 47 years old

What is the Life Expectancy of a Soldier in Iraq?

The life expectancy really depends on what branch of the military you are in and what platoon you are in... Let's say if you are a marine, your average life expectancy is 1.5-2.5 years... Yeah, I know, it's low. And the army isn't much higher, it is about 3-4.5 years... I myself am going to be an Army Ranger, their life expectancy is good, but not great, it's around 5-7.5 years.

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Some may, but being a former Vietnam POW does not automatically mean that one has a shorter, or longer, than normal life expectancy.

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The life expectancy of the servicemen depended on the job position the service person had. For instance if you were a ball turret gunner your life expectancy was three hours. If you were a General you were expected to live to see the end of the war or at least get close to the end of the war. If you were a nurse or doctor you could expect to live through most of the war but if you were a "medic" or rather an army corpsman you had a life expectancy of 3 hours too.

Life expectancy of a paratrooper?

That all depends on what war and what battle they were fighting in.....To the best of my knowledge the avg. life expectancy of a paratrooper in Vietnam was less than 20 sec!!

What was the life expectancy of a GI in the Vietnam War?

Approximately 3,403,100 US servicemen served in Southeast Asia (2,594,000 of those men served in country); nearly 60,000 didn't make it back. Those are your "life expectancy" figures.

What was the average life expectancy of a medic after he got off the chopper in Vietnam?

16 minutes for a machine gunner entering a combat zone I was a Naval Hospital Corpsman in 1979. I attended a "c" school-Field Medical Service School- were I was taught combat medicine. My instructors were all Vietnam Veterans. My class was informed, at that time, that a Corpsman's life expectancy in Vietnam was 19 minutes. This time estimate was for the corpsman just getting off the jet that delivered him to Vietnam. While apparently what was being told to troopers, the above is ridiculous on its face. If everyone died (on average) 20 minutes after they got to Vietnam, then, statistically, to have 1 person survive a full year in Vietnam, over 52,000 would have to die inside of 10 minutes. Plainly, that didn't happen. Over 2.5 million US soldiers served in the Vietnam War (many doing more than one tour), with about 60,000 dying. For a 10-year war, that means there was (on average) 6,000 deaths per year out of 250,000 people serving, or a 2.5% death rate, or 1 death every 41 minutes. Presuming that only 25% of all people serving in Vietnam saw front-line action, and that ALL deaths were at the front-lines, that means 6,000 deaths for 62,500 grunts, a 9.6% death rate. Which means that almost 91% of all combat vets survived. Frankly, no one measures "X-second life expectancies"; it's a ridiculous metric, and impossible to measure in a meaningful way. To do so, one would have to measure this: A = average life expectancy of civilian of the same age as the soldier B = % of soldiers dying that year C = average age of a soldier Let's say that A = 75, B = 0.1 (10%), and C = 24. So, the amount of time that a Vietnam vet could expect to live after arriving in Vietnam would be roughly: (A - C ) * ( 1 - B ) or (75 - 24) * (1 - 0.1) = 45.9 So, the average life expectancy of a combat soldier in Vietnam would be to live almost 46 more years (to age 70). And, that's a gross underestimation (i.e. in reality, it would be considerably higher).

What is the life expectancy for Vietnam?

US Infantrymen were alittle more at risk at becoming a casualty, than their WW2 fore fathers; by virtue of the helicopter...which caused the Vietnam War GI to fight more battles in a smaller amount of time than a WW2 serviceman...who had no RAPID DEPLOYMENT CAPABILITIES (the helicopter). Example(s): A WW2 GI might fight one battle in 2 days; whereas a Vietnam GI might fight 2 battles in 2 days. Other than that; each GI in Vietnam was expected to complete his 12 month tour of duty in country.

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Which country in Latin America has the highest life expectancy in the region?

According to the World Health Organization, both Costa Rica and Chile are the most advanced countries in this regard, with a life expectancy of 79 years (2011):Chile: Male life expectancy: 76Female life expectancy: 82Overall life expectancy: 79Costa Rica: Male life expectancy: 77Female life expectancy: 81Overall life expectancy: 79

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Antiguas life expectancy is 90

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the life expectancy in Greece is80.4 years