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Romulus and Remus were said to be twins. Their father was mars, God of War and their mother was Rhea Silvia, a vestal virgin, also, king Numitor's daughter. Amulus, Numitor's brother, took his throne and forced rhea silvia (his brother's daughter) to become a vestal virgin because if she had children they might someday take over his throne.

When the twins were born, Amulus got hold of them, put them in a basket and threw them in the river Tiber, hoping they would drown. However, the boys were rescued by a she-wolf, who looked after them as if they were its own. They grew up with the wolves.

One day, a shepherd found the boys and took them home with him. He looked after them until they grew up.

After some years, the boys discovered who they really were. This led to killing Amulus and putting their grandfather back on top. After doing that, they decided to build a new city. The problem was that they couldn't decide where to build it. Remus thought the Aventine hill would do but ormolus favoured the Aventine hill. They couldn't reach an agreement so each started to build their own city.

Once Remus visited ormolus and made fun of his city. This ended up with ormolus killing his twin brother. After that, the legend says that ormolus became first king of the city of Rome.

The legend ends by telling us how Romolus had been carried up to heaven by his own father, Mars, God of War

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