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Most general purpose computers support multiple users simultaneously. Pretty much anything that runs Linux, Windows, or Mac OS have this capability.

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Q: What is the largest and powerful computers that can carry out many different people at the same time?
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Which computers are "the computers"? Most likely, people will build better and more powerful computers and use them for a variety of purposes. PCs will continue to be used for work and personal use. Servers will continue to be used to host content and serve data. We will most likely see an increase in specialized computers for satellites, as well as supercomputers and quantum computers.

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Who invented the mainframe computers?

It had no single inventor, it was independently invented in many countries by different groups of people.

Why do apple computers and personal computers not agree?

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Pictures of computers being used in different fields?

Computers can be used to help people out in a variety of fields. Doing a simple image search can help you find the picture you are looking for.

Do Pakistani people have computers?

Yes, many people in Pakistan have computers.

What percentage of people in Wyoming have computers?

91.897% of people have computers in Wyoming.