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From internet geography site, the causes of urbanisation are: People are pushed to urban areas because they believe they will have better standard living and greater job opportunities. Then, lack of resources and facilities in rural areas make people go to cities. The effects are: Many unemployement in cities. Traffic jam, pollution, and higher crime rate because there are too many people in cities.

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17y ago
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13y ago

There are hundreds! Here are a few...

  • Stress on services: cities can very easily grow far faster than their infrastructure can - causing problems like traffic congestion, lack of proper sewerage systems, electricity black-outs.
  • Loss of traditional country cultures: mass Immigration into cities can cause country livelihoods to dwindle - an ageing countryside population is especially a problem, as most emigrants to cities are young.
  • Population explosions: as mentioned above, most immigrants to cities are young. This can cause birth rates to sky-rocket, and can cause unsustainable population growth within a few decades.
  • Damage to the environment: large areas of land can be taken up by cities (conurbations can occur, where several cities actually join up physically, creating huge urban areas). This can cause problems like habitat destruction and disruption to migration paths (e.g. elephants in Africa, moose in America).

Other than that, urbanisation's dead cool.

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14y ago

urbanization effects the wild life around the urbanized city such as DC, Seattle, Baltimore, LA and even housing developments etc. pushes out the wild life in the area leaving them with fewer and fewer habitats and now animals are overcoming their fear of humans and coming into cities which is a huge and ever growing problem

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12y ago

Crowding, lifestyle changes, stress on human systems, and environmental effect.

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10y ago

Effects of urbanization include putting more buildings and people closer together. This has made the Earth hotter because there are fewer trees are in these areas.

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11y ago

is the movement from a rural area to a city like new york

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What are the impact of urbanization?

urbanization causes people to loose their jobs or maybe not even get one because there are too many people and they all need jobs. urbanization also creates more litter because people think that becasue there is so much already around they can do the same. urbanization may also cause more businesses to relocate there because there are so many people to buy into the business.

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