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In the late 1700s, many people felt the proposed Constitution of the United States did not go far enough in protecting the fundamental principles of individual rights, putting ratification of the Constitution in danger. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were proposed as a means of obtaining the votes necessary to ratify the Constitution.

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Q: What is the history background of the Bill of Rights?
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What is the history background of bill of rights?

In the late 1700s, many people felt the proposed Constitution of the United States did not go far enough in protecting the fundamental principles of individual rights, putting ratification of the Constitution in danger. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were proposed as a means of obtaining the votes necessary to ratify the Constitution.

How did the English bill of rights have an impact on history?

Now we have more freedom and more rights because of it.

Where the Bill of Rights came from little background?

People. Just people. They said to themselves "This is not right".

Bill of rights in a sentence?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which outline specific rights and protections for individuals.

How do you learn the Bill of Rights fast?

bye asking your history teacher

How is the bill of rights still used today?

The English Bill of Rights is still used today, you can get a copy of the constitution and read the ten amendments better know as the English Bill of Rights.

What was the only state in history to have a bill of rights?

Texas, I believe, because the people created "The Texas Constitution" in 1876, which contains its own set of Bill of Rights.

What is the longest-lived plan representative government in history?

the english Bill of Rights

What is the longest-lived plan for representative government in history?

the english bill of rights

Why was the bill of rights so important to history?

I was important to add the bill of rights to the constitution because if we did not we would not have our rights protected a citizens of the united states of america.