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dictatorships and the rising of the new world order.

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Q: What is the historical context within which the genocide occured of the holocaust?
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The murder of entire populations genocide that occured during Hitler's rule of Germany is called?

The genocide that occurred during Hitler's rule of Germany is called the Holocaust; six million Jews were persecuted and murdered by Hitler and his Nazi regime.

How did the Holocaust occured?

A man named Hitler created the Holocaust because he was the man with the plan.

How is the holocaust connected to your life?

it is not, it occured before i was born.

Was the movie schindlers list accurate to the actually Holocaust?

Yes, the movie Schindler's list includes many actual events that occured during the holocaust. It is based mostly on Oskar Schindler and his humanity, but it does touch on things that actually did occur during the holocaust. There are a few historical inaccuracies in the movie but in general it is a good source of information about the holocaust and its included events.

Where has genocide been practiced in the world?

Sadly, at one time in history or another, genocide has occured in nearly every nation of the world.

Why do people remember World War 2?

People tends to remember world war 2 due to certain events like the Holocaust happening. The Holocaust is well known genocide that occured during WW2, so people link the Holocaust to WW2. Another reason why is that due to the wide spread of it i.e. the pacific, europe and north africa theatre. Millions on millions of people died, generations wiped out due to WW2, so it was pretty horrific.

Have there been an weddings at the Auschwitz site?

Yes, i know of at least one that occured there during the Holocaust.

What do historical geologist study?

physical and biological changes that have occured in the past.

Why did the Rawandan genocide happen?

The Rwandan genocide occured because the Hutus, the most dominant ethnic group in Rwanda at the time, began persecuting Tutsis, blaming political & economic hardship on them; it was basically because of racism.

What was the purpose of the surviving of the holocaust?

generally the purpose was to survive. In certain corners there was a need to survive to tell the tale of what occured.

What year did the rwanda genocide take place?

The Rwandan Genocide began in April of 1994 between the two main ethnic groups in Rwanda: the Hutus and the Tutsis. Its estimated that 800,000 of the minority Tutsis were killed by the Hutu militia during the 100 days that the genocide lasted.

What percentage of children died in the holocaust due to a lack of food?

hard to calulate as many diseases occured because of malnutrition.