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Q: What is the gurkhas connection to Britain?
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What reputation do the Gurkhas have?

Gurkhas have a good reputation. they have fought for britain for nearly 200 years and are known for being fearless and trustworthy.

Why do so many gurkhas want to live in Britain?

because they feel that britain is a better place to be and that because the british saw potential in them they feel they want to live in britain

Which country did gurkhas fight with?

The united kingdom of great Britain and the commonwealth in ww2. but now there are Gurkha regiments in both British and Indian armies

Where can one see images of Gurkhas?

Gurkhas are military units that are part of the British or Indian army and stationed in Nepal. One can see pictures of Gurkhas on websites such as Google Images and Photobucket.

Countries that fought for Britain?

there were German mercenaries that fought for Britain in the American revolutionary war called hessians, Australia and Canada helped fight WWI and WWII for Britain, Britain also recruits nepalese soldiers which are called gurkhas and are still part of the britsih army, India in colonial times were occupation soldiers in Asia for Britain too.

The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of?


To which Countries do the Gurkhas and Khmers belong?

Well Gurkhas belong to the Himalayan country of Nepal and as far as i know khmers are the people of cambodia.

How many conuntries were involved in the Falkland war?

Great Britain and Argentina were the only belligerent countries. The US remained officially neutral but provided Great Britain with some technical support regarding their Sea Harriers. Also, the British Army included Gurkhas from Nepal.

Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of?

No where in north america. They are from Nepal

Did the Gurkhas fight in Burma?

Yes, and other places.

Do gurkhas eat beef?

Some don't. Gurkhas are Hindu, Buddhists and many religious backgrounds. Hindus treat cows as their holy animals. So, the religion don't allow them..

Why do Gurkha's fight for the British army?

Why do the gurkhas fight for the british army. At what time in history did this occure? Why do the gurkhas fight for the british army. At what time in history did this occure? Why do the gurkhas fight for the british army. At what time in history did this occure? Why do the gurkhas fight for the british army. At what time in history did this occure?