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Constantinople is located between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea which means there was a lot of trade during the ancient times and probably still do today and there was also a canal near by so they could build a boat and flea if they had to.

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13y ago

The location of Constantinople was just about the ideal location for a city in the ancient world. It controlled the trade routes between Europe and Asia on land and on sea. It guarded the entrance to the Mediterranean from the Black Sea. It also had an excellent harbor which again made trade profitable. It's location could also control the military matters between Europe and Asia, both by land and sea.

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9y ago

Constantinople was on the Bosporus, a strait which separates Europe and Asia and connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Therefore, it was on the Europe to Asia overland route and controlled the naval routes between the two mentioned seas. Additionally, it was on a promontory. This meant that it was surrounded by water of three sides, which meant that they could not be attacked by armies. On the northern shore there is an inlet (the Golden Horns) which provides a good natural harbour. The city was also on a hilly area, which made it easier to defend the city on the land side and to build impregnable walls.

Constantinople's location also had its weaknesses. It lied in an earthquake area. Navigation could be disrupted by storms. Getting enough water was a problem. It had to be brought in from afar and large cisterns were needed for sufficient storage.

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It was located right along the trade route between Europe and Asia.

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