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she dont have the right mind

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Q: What is the function of rebecca nurse in the play?
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What is the function of rebecca nurse in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Rebecca Nurse, like John Proctor, is there to stand for the voice of reason.

When was Rebecca Nurse Homestead created?

Rebecca Nurse Homestead was created in 1678.

Why was Rebecca Nurse arrested in The Crucible?

Rebecca Nurse was arrested for killing Mrs.Putnam's babies.

What do you learn about rebecca the nurse in act 3?

Accusations of Rebecca Nurse were false. -Nestor :)

Is rebecca nurse a dynamic character oh the curcible?

No. She is a static character. She don't change throughout the play.

Why was rebecca nurse accused of witchcraft in The C rucible?

Rebecca nurse yelled at her neighbor and the neighbor died months after, so it lead to accusations that Rebecca Nurse is a witch and that she killed her neighbor.

Why did ann putnam accuse rebecca nurse?

Ann Putnam Sr. accused Rebecca Nurse because she CLAIMS that she saw the specter of Rebecca Nurse haunting her and telling her to join Satan, but it is thought that she accused Rebecca Nurse because she was the wife of Francis Nurse, an influential man of the anti-Parris faction of the village, while the Putnams were pro-Parris.

Who accused Rebecca Nurse in the Salem Witch trials?

Mrs. Putnum did Look up Rebecca Nurse's character profile.

What do we learn about rebecca nurse?

Rebecca Nurse was condemned because of witchcraft. They believe she was the one who killed the babies of Goody Putnam.

Who are Francis and Rebecca nurse?

Rebecca Nurse was a holy woman who loved God and was accused of witchcraft, Francis was Rebecca's husband and a well respected wealthy landowner in Salem

What is Rebecca nurse description?

Rebecca Nurse is an elderly woman, who is married to Francis Nurse. She served the community as a midwife for years, and she is a pious, church-going woman. Rebecca does not believe that witches are present in the village, and she refuses to admit to practicing witchcraft. Rebecca is unjustly convicted and hanged.

How do the proposed hangings or rebecca nurse and john proctor differ from the past executions?

Rebecca Nurse and John Protor are upstanding the citizens of Salem.