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Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it! Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

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Q: What is the full quote of Give you Liberty or give you deathby Patrick Henry?
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What was a quot of Patrick Henry?

A very famous quote by Patrick Henry was "Give me liberty, or give me death."

What was Patrick Henry's famous quote?

"Give me liberty or give me death."

What is the most famous quote that Patrick Henry ever quoted?

"Give me liberty or give me death".

Who said you know what course others may take but as for you give you liberty or give you death?

Ummm........ that's not what he said. Double check your resources.

What did Patrick Henry do to work against the British?

Patrick Henry worked against the British by opposing the Stamp Act of 1765. His most famous quote is, Give me liberty or give me death.

What is the most common freedom quote?

A freedom quote that may be considered very common is "give me liberty, or give me death". This quote was spoken by Patrick Henry at the 1775 Virginia convention in Richmond, VA.

What two rhetorical strategies does he most clearly use here Patrick Henry?

Rhetorical devices used in Patrick Henry's speech are:\AllusionMetaphors (Biblical and Mythological)Many Rhetorical QuestionsAppeal to LogicImageryEmotionParallel Sent. StructureRepetitionIn his last and famous quote "Give me liberty oR give me death," he uses repetition and contrasting parallel word choices between liberty and death. Its either life to the fullest or death nothing in between. Two different meaning words in one quote.

What did Patrick Henry do to the Stamp act?

Patrick Henry had sugested fighting Great Britain with his famous quote "If this be treason, make the most of it"!

What did Patrick Henery look like?

his quote "Give me liberty or give me death".

Who was a passionate patriot who spoke for independence?

Thomas Jefferson was a patriot and was a conspicuous personality in the movement towards independence. Also Patrick Henry - his famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death"

Did Abraham Lincoln say 'Give me liberty or give me death'?

No. It was Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775, who said " Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Why is Patrick Henry important during the Revolutionary war?

He was a huge influence! He made speeches, stood for truth and Christianity, he was a patriot that lead! The best place to get facts on him is from an encyclopedia or history book.