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Secure the power source.

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Q: What is the first thing you would do if you saw someone being electricuted?
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No. They are not the same thing. Being grateful is like being appreciative for things you have and happy is like just a feeling. Someone can make you happy but someone cant make you grateful.

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There is no such thing as an immigration house.

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No, not at all! I know someone who is very tall, it is not a bad thing. It is kind of nice, because when you mad or frustrated at someone you can, "Look down" on them!

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If someone forgets first aid supplies on an outdoor adventure, there are a few things they can do. The first thing to do is not get hurt, the second thing to do is check out for tips on what to do for common injuries.

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There is no specific demonym for someone from Jupiter, as it is a gas giant planet and not suitable for human life.

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There is such a thing as poison being underneath someone's skin, it is called poisoning. If poison is under your skin it has penetrated your protective epidermis and has become a danger to you. Human's don't possess any natural poison so any of it being under the skin is a bad thing and could lead to death.

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First thing make your question in a form, where someone can understand even something from the question...

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well you can ive got a scar to prove it because i woke up with it. it was a scary experience. first i was abducted. then they tied me up to a metal table. they took a sample of my blood then they put this helmet like thing on my head and then they impregnated me with a green injection. then they put a plunger like thing attached it to the helmet like thing and then they sucked out my brain and later put it back in and started electricuted me. then i woke up in bed

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