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It was the first attempt to seize Vicksburg.

The offensive was carried out by Rear Admiral Farragut on May 18,1862 and reiterated on May 21 with three great sea corvettes and 6 gunboats, plus 1,500 landing troops.

The attempt was beaten off by the Confederate defenders and Farragut decided to give up and retreat southward, leaving the six gunboats to watch over the fortress.

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Q: What is the first Battle of Vicksburg?
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Gettysburg was 1-3 of July 1863 and Vicksburg surrendered the 4th of July. But the Battle of Vicksburg was a siege that lasted about 5 weeks. If the question is which began first, then it would be Vicksburg. Gettysburg ended first. Both were fought in 1863 and the resulting loss of both battles was very demoralizing to the Southern states.

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The Battle of Vicksburg started on May 18th 1863. The Battle of Vicksburg ended on July 4th 1863.

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The first of several battles against Vicksburg, Mississippi took place in the Spring of 1862.

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The battle of Vicksburg.

What year did the Vicksburg battle start?

The first attempts to capture Vicksburg began in 1862, but the siege did not take place until 1863.

Fact on the battle of Vicksburg Mississippi?

Check out the related links for information on the Battle of Vicksburg.

What did the north call the battle of Vicksburg?

The called it the Battle of Vicksburg, though, it was actually a siege.

What campaign was the Battle of Vicksburg in?

It was called the Vicksburg Campaign.